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 Message from the President

Mr. Song Zifu

Chairman of Wufu Group

Scholar of Wufu studies

Chairman of Wufu Suda Electric Vehicle Motors

Chairman of Chinese Association of Elderly Care Providers

Executive Director of the China Great Wall Club

Executive Producer of“Wolf Mountain Five Heroes”,the movie

Director of the Du Institute of the Beijing University of Science and Technology

Honorary President of the Shengji Art School

Mr.Song has more than 30 years of experience in the health care industry,focusing on sustainable and holistic practices.He is a pioneer of preventative healthcare and macro-nutrition,and created a unique system called the WUFU Way of Life.He is convinced that a new generation of entrepreneurs should not only seek the maximization of profits,but also the maximization of life quality.Mr Song and Mr Chen Xiaowang,the 19th generation grandmaster of Tai Chi,collaborated on the creation of“Nine Foundations Movements of Tai Chi",and a mindfulness training system called the“Thirty Six Wisdom”,based on the ancient Chinese teachings of the"Thirty-Six Stratagems”by the great strategist,Sun Tzu.

Mr.Song holds a Bachelor Degree in Medicine and was a practicing physician.In addition,he has more than 10 years of independent operation and investment experience in elderly care,ecological agriculture,biological engineering,cultural industry,real estate and other fields.

The"Wufu Positive Energy Alliance”,founded by Mr.Song,is a private club for people seeking positive energy.Members come from politics,business,academia and other fields.The organization is committed to providing a life-oriented service revolving around the five concepts of longevity,prosperity,health,good virtue and karma.The aim is to help more entrepreneurs and professional managers join in the practice of these five aspects and achieve which can benefit themselves as well as their enterprises.