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     China Wufu Hall

    China Wufu Hall

    China Wufu Hall is a high-end business&cultural club, providing such services as
    business banquets, business receptions, private summits, etc. It is situated at Pangu Plaza--one of the most luxurious residences stands on the auspicious dragon vein in
    Beijing. From there one could enjoy the Eight Views of China Wufu Hall including
    “the Ruyi Bridge, night view of the Water Cube , grand view of the Ethnic Minority
    Park, the Niangniang Temple in distance, the spring dawn at Bird’s Nest, rain at the Linglong Tower, sunset glow at west mountains, auspicious snow at the Olympic 
    circle”. Apart from products of Wufu culture, the club also houses many valuable
    treasures including “a block of huge eaglewood in the shape of Chinese dragon, a
    grand dragon-boat made of padauk, a thousand-hand guanyin made of taxus chinensis,
    furnitures made of Phoebe sheareri, paintings by ancient Chinese artists, the very
    first inkstone ever traveled within a spacecraft, and fossils of dinosaur eggs” and others.


    China Wufu Hall

    China Wufu Hall dedicates to build a platform based on the Wufu value. The essence of its business strategy is to create a comprehensive “ecological circle”, which has a huge growth potential. It holds unique values and has an independent mechanism which could effectively stimulate multi-party interaction, realising its function as an 
    interactive platform. By analyzing many successful enterprises with newly-defined
    structures across the world, we came to the conclusion that the key to their success is that they all have established a well-functioning “platform of ecological 
    circle”, which connects several groups, adjusts the existing industrial chains, and transfers and unites the elites so as to achieve a win-win situation.